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Communicable Diseases

Exclusion from School for Health Reasons:

To protect all children from communicable illnesses, students infected with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while they are contagious. Students should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school.  Contact your campus nurse if you are un sure whether or not your child should return to school.

The guidelines below have been developed for the exclusion of students who have communicable or contagious diseases. These regulations are in compliance with the requirements of the local health authority, San Saba ISD Administrative Guidelines and the Board of Trustees’ appointed medical officer.

  1. A student with any of the following symptoms will be excluded from school until such time as the student is free of symptoms, has been satisfactorily treated or submits a signed physician’s statement that he/she is not contagious.
    • Temperature of 100 degrees or more. Student must be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before re-entry.
    • Pain and/or swelling at angle of jaw.
    • Undetermined rash over any part of the body.
    • Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp.
    • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Student must be symptom free for 24 hours without medication before re-entry.
    • Red, draining eyes.
    • Intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection.
    • Open, draining lesions.
    • Jaundice
  2. The Principal or his/her designee, in collaboration with the school nurse, will notify parents that the student must be excluded for medical reasons.
  3. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to transport the student from school to his/her home.
  4. For readmission, some diseases may require a statement from the student’s physician affirming that the student is not contagious.
For more information:
Communicable Disease Information for Parents by Topic:
Chicken Pox/Varicella - Most cases of chicken pox these days are very mild in children who have been vaccinated against varicella.  It is best to consult your physician if you suspect chicken pox.  Your child must remain at home until all of the lesions (pox) are crusted over and there can be no new eruption of lesions in the last 24 hours.  He / she must also be fever free for at least 24 hours. This process generally takes about 5 days.  Your physician may require a longer period of isolation.  A doctor’s note is recommended.
Managing the Flu Season Together

Flu season is typically from October thru mid-May. Preparation is the key. Management is a team effort between parents, students, health care professionals and San Saba ISD. Each plays a vital role in managing the flu season responsibly.


San Saba ISD Schools Help by:

  • Teaching and encouraging proper hand washing technique.
  • Teaching effective coughing and sneeze technique such as cough in your sleeve.
  • Posting signs around the campus as a visual reminder.
  • Offering free flu vaccine to all staff.
  • Encouraging all staff to remain home when ill.


Parents help by:

  • Having their families vaccinated against the flu.
  • Encouraging proper hand, sneeze and cough techniques be used at home.
  • Consulting their health care providers when flu-like illness symptoms begin. Flu like symptoms include: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue and nasal congestion.
  • Keeping their children home when ill.


Students help by:

  • Washing their hands for twenty seconds with soap and water before and after eating, after sneezing or coughing into their hands, after using the restroom, after playing outdoors, and any other time their hands are dirty.
  • Using Kleenex to sneeze and coughing into their sleeves.
  • Not sharing food and drink.
  • Encouraging others to do the same.

More information can be found on the following government sites: