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High School Mathematics

Mathematics Courses
Course: Algebra I (ALG 1) 2001
Credit: 1
Pre-requisite: None
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: Algebra I is the first course in the algebra / geometry sequence. In this course, the student learns the real number system and operations with the real numbers. Other topics include solving open linear sentences, equation and slope of a line, distance formula, radicals, polynomials, factoring and applications. Emphasis is placed on solving word problems.
Course: Algebra II (ALG 2) 2005
Credit: 1
Pre-requisite: Algebra I
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: Algebra II extends the concepts of Algebra I. It is intended to prepare the college-bound student for more sophisticated mathematics classes as well as physics and other areas requiring problem-solving techniques. Topics included in the course are elementary operations, linear equations, functions, polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, logarithms, quadratic functions, the binomial theorem and systems of equations.

Course: Geometry (GEOM) 2010
Credit: 1
Pre-requisite: Algebra I and II
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: This course is designed for the average to above average student. The introduction to formal proof begins in the first chapter and is followed by the study of inductive and deductive reasoning. Concepts of space geometry are integrated with plane geometry throughout the course. Algebraic skills are reviewed and strengthened through application to problem solving in geometry. The course also includes trigonometry, construction and logic, coordinate geometry and transformations.

Course: Honors Geometry (GEOM) 2011
Credit: 1
Pre-requisite: Algebra I and II
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: The honors geometry course is designed to challenge the above average student by involving them with the more difficult geometric problems as well as with regular class work. Students are asked to analyze problems and find the solution by dealing with abstract concepts and geometric properties.

Course: Honors Pre-calculus (PRE CALC) 2020
Credit: 1
Pre-requisite: Algebra I and II and Geometry
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: The student will define functions, describe characteristics of functions and translate among verbal, numerical, graphical, and symbolic trigonometric, and piece wise - defined functions. The student will use functions and their properties to model and solve real world problems. The student will use sequences and series to represent, analyze and solve real world problems. The student will use conic sections, their properties and parometric representations to model real world situations. The students will use vectors to model real world situations.

Course: Honors Calculus (APCALCAB) 2025
Credit: 1/2 -1
Pre-requisite: Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-calculus
Grade Level: 12
Course Description: This upper math course shall include concepts and skills associated with elementary functions. The course will use algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions.

Course: Honors College Algebra (INSTUMTH) (Dual Credit) 2015, 2016
Credit: 1/2 -1
Pre-requisite: Algebra I and II, Geometry
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: This is a dual credit course for seniors who plan to go to college. A study of relations and functions, polynomial functions and equations of degree higher than 2, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations, matrices, and determinants, sequences and series, the binomial theorem, and mathematical inductions. This course meets the college core requirement. This course meets the 1314 requirements for Algebra at the college level. Students receive 3 credits.