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HS Family and Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Science Courses
Course: Personal and Family Development (PERFAMDV) 7050
Credit: 1
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 9-12
Course Description: This comprehensive laboratory course is designed to address a broad range of knowledge and skills related to personal development and management, promotion of strong families, and preparation for adult roles. Content includes a focus on interpersonal skills, decision-making, promotion of family strengths and well-being, developing positive relationships with peers, child development and care, and clothing selection and maintenance. Other studies address nutrition and dietary practices, food selection and preparation, budgeting and consumer-buying practices, and management of family housing needs. Influences of societal and technological changes, career options, and the management of multiple family, community, and wage-earner roles are included. This is the only Family and Consumer Science course that Freshmen may take.
Course: Nutrition and Food Science (NU&FDSCI) 7051
Credit: 1/2
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 10-12
Course Description: This technical laboratory course concentrates on nutrition, food choices, and food management skills for individuals and the family throughout the life cycle. Instruction addresses nutrition and food science from the perspective of food habits and wellness, menu planning, special dietary needs, food costs and budgeting, consumer food-buying strategies, food safety and sanitation procedures, food labels, technology implications, and food handling, storage, and preparation practices. Meal etiquette, career options and techniques for managing multiple family, community, and wage-earner roles are part of the content.

Course: Interior Design (INTR-DSG) 7052
Credit: 1/2
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 10-12
Course Description: This technical laboratory course focuses on the design of residential and nonresidential interior environments to achieve occupant well-being and productivity. Content addresses design practices and influences, lighting, materials, furnishings, legal considerations, and the impact of technology on interiors. Budgeting, consumer decision making, safety, the care and maintenance of interiors, career preparation, and the management of multiple adult roles are emphasized.

Course: Individual and Family Life (INDV&FAM) 7053
Credit: 1/2
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 10-12
Course Description: This technical course is designed to focus on personal development, interpersonal relationships, effective individual and family functioning, and career preparation – all within a changing society. The course addresses personal identity, responsibilities of living as an independent adult, relationship development outside the family, and factors related to marital success. Special attention is focused on understanding the roles, responsibilities, and impact of the family on individuals and society; promoting and strengthening the family unit; and managing multiple family, community, and wage-earner roles.

Course: Child Development (CHILD-DEV) 7054
Credit: 1/2
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 10-12
Course Description: This technical laboratory course is designed to focus on knowledge and skills related to the development, care, guidance, and protection of children. Instruction addresses the principles and procedures for promoting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of young children, including those with special needs. Other topics include characteristics of quality child care, career options related to the care and education of children, and the management of multiple community and family roles.

Course: Family and Career Management (FAM&CRER) 7055
Credit: 1/2
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 12
Course Description: This comprehensive course emphasizes preparation for family and career roles, effective management, and personal and career effectiveness. Topics include managing family, community, and wage-earner roles; impact of technology on the workforce and the family; correlation of personal and family strengths to employment opportunities; interpersonal skills; and personal characteristics that lead to career and personal success. Other topics include health-related issues affecting employees, nutrition management, ethical and legal practices in the workplace, financial and time management, wardrobe planning and maintenance, and housing considerations and management. Seniors only.

Course: Apparel (APPAREL) 7056
Credit: 1/2
Pre-requisite: None
Grade level: 10-12 (Recommended for Sophomores)
Course Description: This technical laboratory course focuses on apparel from the perspectives of personal decision making related to apparel, the apparel industry, and career preparation. Topics include managing the apparel dollar, apparel repair and alteration, and wardrobe planning, care, and maintenance. Quality apparel construction is addressed as it relates to consumer decision making and career preparation for the apparel industry. Other content addresses career options and management practices for assuming multiple family, community, and wage-earner roles.